I am Complete in Him: True beauty

Imagine this.

You find a magic lamp. Naturally you rub it and, predictably, a genie pops out. You stand there, staring, waiting for the genie to tell you that you have three wishes. To your surprise, instead, the genie tells you that you have one wish, and with that wish you can change anything about the way you look.

What do you say?

Would you wish for longer, softer hair?

Perhaps you would wish to be taller?

Maybe you don’t like how small your nose is?

Have you have always wanted sparkly, blue eyes?

I am sure that there are lots of girls out there that can think of at least one thing that they would like to change about the way they look.

But how many of them would say something like, “No thanks, genie, God made me the way I am, and I am complete in Him.”

How many girls are actually happy with every part of the way they look?

Girls tend to be their own worst critics.

We see every little flaw in ourselves. Every miss placed hair, every freckle, every blemish.

What we tend to forget is how God sees us. Because that’s really what matters.

God looks at us in a completely different way than we look at ourselves.

We see every failure; God sees every victory.

We see every flaw; God sees our beauty.

Something that I sometimes forget is that God made me, and that He made me beautiful.

The world paints a picture of beauty in our minds, through TV, ads, books, music, and the models in Target.

But they don’t know what true beauty is.

To them, “true beauty” is based off of how skinny you are, how perfect your hair is or what kind of clothing you wear.

To God, true beauty is based off of what’s in your heart.

1 Samuel 16:7, “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’ (NLT)

Just because someone looks like they are beautiful, doesn’t mean that they are truly beautiful.

You may have heard “that true beauty comes from within”. And as cliche as that sounds it is true, if you look at it from the right perspective.

In a godly perspective, that saying means that true beauty is measured by what’s in your heart.

The world’s perspective is completely different, because they have twisted it to mean something wrong.

Sayings like “true beauty comes from within” and “be yourself” are made into an easy way out of doing hard things.

Just because beauty comes from within, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t care to a certain degree what you look like on the outside.

God made you the way you are, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself via eating healthy, exercising, and wearing modest clothing.

We are the church, the temple of God, so we should take care of it.

You shouldn’t just settle with who you are, and how you look.

You should look and feel confident in who God made you to be, and how He made you to look.

God completes us, makes us whole. And there is nothing more beautiful than a girl who is God filled.

Find your beauty in God, find your completion in God, find your worth in God.

You are beautiful. God made you an amazing person, it’s your job to live up to your full Potential, with a capital "p".

And with God's help, anything is possible.

1 Peter 3:4, “You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” (NLT)

Disclaimer: The author of Poised for Potential, "I am complete in Him: True beauty" is not a physician and is not recommending or giving any medical advice and will not be held liable for any action taken by the reader.







  1. I’m happy the way God made me. There are a lot of things that I wish I could be or do, but those things maybe aren’t what God has for me. Thanks for this article.

    1. I am glad that you have found contentment in the way God has made you! It is always hard to except that sometimes the things that we want to do is not what God wants us to do. What we need to remember is that God's plan is for our ultimate good and happiness, and that whatever He has planned for us will make us feel so much more fulfilled than what we have planned for ourselves.

  2. What a wonderful article! I wish more girls thought about this and decided to be happy with the way they are made. The only beauty we need to worry about perfecting is the beauty on the inside.

    1. I think that if girls stopped spending so much time on social media, (tik tock, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.) and started spending more time with Jesus and reading our bibles, that we would be able to break free of the mental picture of what we think beauty is. We would also be able to realize that God made us with a plan, and a for a very special purpose.
      Thank you for the comment!


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